A New Year’s Day present to the Germans of a Handley Page O/100 – 1st January 1917
A Handley Page O/100, #1463 flown by Flt Lt Henry Connell Vereker accompanied by HP 1462 of Sub Lt Sands left for France on a foggy, wintery day. Two attempts...
A Handley Page O/100, #1463 flown by Flt Lt Henry Connell Vereker accompanied by HP 1462 of Sub Lt Sands left for France on a foggy, wintery day. Two attempts...
Messerschmitt Bf109E ‘4101 / Black 12’ of 21 year old Leutnant Wolfgang Teumer from 2/JG51 based at Wissant near Calais, was attacked by the Spitfire of 66 Squadron’s Flt Lt...
On the night of the 26/27th November 1954, the South Goodwin Lightship’s anchor chains failed during a hurricane force 12 storm between midnight and 0100hrs. Ashore the Ramsgate and Deal...
The often unknown story of the railway serving RAF Manston that we believe operated from 1918 to around 1924 (with the line being removed in 1928) and narrow guage lines...
On 7th November 1945, Group Captain Hugh Joseph Wilson, CBE, AFC, Royal Air Force, Commandant of the Empire Test Pilots’ School, Cranfield, set the first world speed record with a...
Published with permission from ‘Bloody Paralyser – The Giant Handley Page Bombers of the First World War’ by Rob Langham (Fonthill Media, 2016). Following the first flight of the Handley Page...